jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012


Ismael Alonso Burgos Chavez
24 pueblo nuevo avenue
Cellphone: 6321053530
Imuris sonora
C.P. 84120

January 29,12

Ana María Amelia Navarro Varela.
Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Cananea.
82.5 km. Carretera Cananea-Agua Prieta.
Cananea, Sonora.
C.P. 84620.

Dear Mrs Tapia:
I turn to you to inform you that I am a responsible, hardworking I like challenges I love the English and my challenge is to learn and with your help I will succeed so let me ask you to be part level 6 English February-June semester

I began to study English in Sinaloa in Badiraguato telesecundaria in previous semesters and gained much knowledge verbs such as learning to make WH questions and yes or no questions negations prayers and this semester I learn new skill and implement the same that I have

English is very important in born personal life and professional life is another language I need to survive and compete in the labor area to learn English and have many opportunities to work and not want to miss. Time thanking my leave of you waiting for a response

                                               ISMAEL ALONSO BURGOS CHAVEZ